How to Streamline Condo Board Approvals

Date Published : Oct-26-2018

Written By : Kim Brown

Every condo board struggles with approvals. The process can be slow and often frustrating. Whether you need to reach quorum at annual general meetings or make quick decisions, you need to find a way to streamline condo board approvals.
The best way to speed up approvals is through user-friendly online condo board software. Taking advantage of online technology helps you speed up document and proposal approvals with improved:

  • Communication
  • Organization


One of the biggest challenges in condo board decision-making is communication, especially if there is little or no communication outside of meetings. It’s important to make use of all communication channels, such as:

  • Email
  • Text
  • Condo community websites and forums

You can open up discussion and inform board members by taking advantage of the communication tools within condo board software. Members can choose their best means of communication to make them easy to reach.
The better your communication, the easier it is to streamline condo board approvals. Here are some quick tips to improve condo communication management.


We’ve all been in a meeting or situation that was put together at the last minute. And how often has that time been truly productive? Everything goes more smoothly with proper planning and organization.
Using online tools for condo boards, you can better organize meetings. Set up schedules with reminders so no one is caught off guard with an upcoming meeting, which also allows them to review documents and proposals beforehand.
As well, these tools make it easy to organize and search all files from any device. This reduces time spent searching for important information.

Bring Your Condo Board Up to Speed

Ready to bring your condo board up to speed? Request a quote today and discover how easy it is to improve your condo community management with our user-friendly software.

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