The concierge uses a smartphone to scan package details
Details are synced to Condo Control using AI technology
Multiple packages can be logged at once
Security and Concierge staff use a smartphone to scan incoming packages
Using the latest Artificial Intelligent (AI) technology, staff can simply scan incoming package details using the Condo Control app on their smartphone. The app will recognize the recipients' details on the package and sync with the unit file to quickly log the package.
Guards can easily log multiple packages, making it faster to process large deliveries
Logging multiple packages at once is simple with Condo Control. Once the first package is logged guards simply click save and move on to the next package. Collection notifications are sent to recipients automatically as each package is saved.
AI package tracking saves time and money
There is no need to purchase a fancy scanner. The only things you need are a smartphone and the Condo Control app. Faster package processing means more time and resources can be allocated to other important aspects of the corporation’s security system.