
Give residents a reason to love where they live.

Equip residents with tools that let them enjoy their community to the fullest.

Staying connected, loving where you live

With Condo Control, residents get their own secure accounts and can do more for themselves.

Self-serve options

Admins can customize permissions so that residents can book amenities, submit service requests, secure visitor parking, etc., all on their own.

Ability to use the platform at any time

Residents can use Condo Control 24/7, meaning they can submit a new request or review documents outside of office hours.

Barrier-free access to information

The Condo Control mobile app gives residents the freedom to make payments or review the latest announcements from anywhere.


Why do
residents enjoy
Condo Control?

Sense of community

With an events calendar and forum for community discussions, residents can be more involved and get acquainted with their neighbours.

Payment flexibility

It’s easier to pay for fees and amenities online, and residents may even decide to set up autopayments.

Easier access to facilities

Booking popular amenities takes seconds instead of days.

Better communication

Residents get important messages and notices right away instead of having to wait for their landlords to share information.


Our products for residents

Pay rent online, book amenities from your phone, and access announcements or documents at any time. Get more enjoyment from your community with Condo Control.


Enjoy convenience and efficiency. Condo Control helps you capitalize on the amenities and services available to you.

Record keeping

Review community documents, access forms, and experience better transparency.


Receive important notices instantly, connect with other residents, and share issues that matter to you.

The store, amenity booking, service request and the announcement functions/services are the best. They allow the Residents to buy, reserve and hear and communicate.

-Dragos Vacar

Condominium Manager - Ace Condominium Management Inc

After seeing the value It was unanimous. Everybody was like, this is what we need here... That's what sold all the board members. Yeah. Let's work smarter, not harder.

-Brian Cannaday

HOA Manager - Woodsmoke Ranch

Condo Control is going to keep helping us grow in terms of efficiency. It’s going to help us as boards are always looking to cut costs. The ability to be very communicative without having to spend the money on frequent mailings – that’s definitely going to help us because we can pitch this to new boards.

-Michael Trendota

Co-founder - Alwington Communities Inc

My overall experience with Condo Control has been positive. It simplifies communication and streamlines tasks like booking amenities, managing documents, and handling maintenance requests. The platform is user-friendly and offers helpful features for both residents and management

-Aravind Rao

Concierge - PSCC 930

Time is money. Save both.


Expertise for your role

Condo Control offers solutions for everyone in your community by automating operations and maximizing efficiency and effectiveness with our expert software.