Phone book

A private directory to keep residents connected

Residents can agree to share their contact information with other people in the community.

Make email addresses available on Condo Control

Residents choose if they want to share their contact information

An easy way to encourage neighbours to communicate with each other

A paperless contact list that's easy to update

Contact information can be updated, added or removed as needed.

Admins can decide whether to make the phone book available

The phone book can be a great tool for communities, but admins can choose whether to make it available to residents.

Add residents, service providers, and more

In addition to adding resident contact information, communities may want to include email addresses and phone numbers of local officials, service providers, etc.

Residents can change their minds about sharing personal information

Residents can remove contact information on their own if they decide they no longer want to share it with others.

The store, amenity booking, service request and the announcement functions/services are the best. They allow the Residents to buy, reserve and hear and communicate.

-Dragos Vacar

Condominium Manager - Ace Condominium Management Inc

After seeing the value It was unanimous. Everybody was like, this is what we need here... That's what sold all the board members. Yeah. Let's work smarter, not harder.

-Brian Cannaday

HOA Manager - Woodsmoke Ranch

Condo Control is going to keep helping us grow in terms of efficiency. It’s going to help us as boards are always looking to cut costs. The ability to be very communicative without having to spend the money on frequent mailings – that’s definitely going to help us because we can pitch this to new boards.

-Michael Trendota

Co-founder - Alwington Communities Inc

My overall experience with Condo Control has been positive. It simplifies communication and streamlines tasks like booking amenities, managing documents, and handling maintenance requests. The platform is user-friendly and offers helpful features for both residents and management

-Aravind Rao

Concierge - PSCC 930

Time is money. Save both.