Templates for Managing Strata Corporations

Written by

Kim Brown

Published on

January 26, 2021

To manage a strata well, you need efficient processes and procedures in place. There are meetings to prepare for, fees to collect and maintenance issues to fix. And who could forget about all of that paperwork!

These recurring tasks can easily take up much of your valuable time, especially if you start from scratch each time a budget needs to be prepared or a levy needs to be issued. Having premade forms and documents on file can save you a lot of time, which in turn allows you to focus on bigger projects and initiatives that will help the strata and help grow your business.

Strata management software can lighten your load as well. It is designed to improve communications between council members, owners and management, centralize data and documents, and streamline operations. Some of the most popular features include Announcements, Package Scanning and Tracking, and Online Payments.

Below are some common strata templates that you can use and customize for your corporation. They will come in handy for meetings, owner requests, fee collection, and much more.


Strata Budget Template

Every strata needs a budget so the corporation can maintain good financial health. The budget acts as a financial guide for the strata council and helps them determine how much they need to maintain the value and wellbeing of the property and community. Strata lot owners approve an annual budget, and strata fees, by majority vote at the corporation’s annual general meeting. Since owners are the ones who fund common expense fees, the contingency reserve fund, and sometimes, special levies, they have a right to see where their money is going.

This budget template makes it easy for you to plug in numbers and present clear, factual information to owners. Major categories are already made for you. The template also has a section that will allow you to document strata fees for each owner. Use this form to ensure accuracy while speeding up the budget mailout process. With all of your financial information in one place, you can keep track of critical financial data and compare budgets from previous years.


Strata Meeting Minutes Template

The meeting minutes of an annual general meeting, special general meeting, or strata council meeting must be documented and made available to owners. In most cases, a final version of the minutes must be ready within two weeks of the meeting. Think of meeting minutes as a formal combination of the agenda and meeting notes. Minutes are important because they serve as a record that everyone can refer to in the future. Plus, if there’s ever a disagreement about who was responsible for a particular task or what decision council reached, the minutes can help to clear up confusion.

Our strata meeting minutes template lists all of the key items that you need to document during a meeting. It can help you identify what needs to be recorded, and what can be left out. Use this template to create a uniform system for notetaking. Keep your minutes organized, and spend less time editing and revising them.


Strata Letter of Authorization Template

The Strata Title Act requires that permission from a strata corporation be obtained whenever planned construction will affect common property or limited common property, defined by the Act. This could include work to pipes, wires, heating and cooling systems, etc. if they are located within a floor, wall or ceiling that forms a boundary; between a strata lot and another strata lot; between a strata lot and the common property; or between a strata lot or common property and another parcel of land.

A member of council must complete an authorization letter. The authorization letter should be accompanied by a copy of the signed strata council meeting minutes giving the referenced approval.

We’ve made a letter of authorization template so that when you need this document, all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Don’t get caught up in paperwork; use this template so that the real work your corporation needs can commence sooner.


Strata Agenda Template

Strata agendas help ensure meetings are carried out in an organized, systematic manner. They are useful to council members because they enable them to properly prepare for questions or issues that need to be addressed during the meeting.

When strata owners are sent an official notice of an annual general meeting, the agenda is attached to the package. Supporting documents may also be included so that owners have the background information they need to actively participate in meetings. An agenda must be clear and concise in order to ensure the smooth conduct of an AGM, or any other meeting, for that matter.

Our strata agenda template includes a comprehensive list of all of the key items that need to be included in an agenda. It will help guide you when it comes time for your next AGM. The template also shows you how AGMs are generally conducted, and will make it easier for you and your council members to organize and lead meetings. Customize or remove any sections you’d like.


Strata Bylaws Template

All strata corporations must have bylaws, and may have rules. There is a set of Standard Bylaws, which have been developed by the provincial government. The Standard Bylaws are the “default” bylaws for strata corporations. However, different bylaws may be filed in the Land Title Office.

There are two ways that a strata’s bylaws may differ from the Standard Bylaws:

  • The developer can file different bylaws with the Land Title Office
  • The strata may amend bylaws through a 75% vote of the owners and file the amendments in the Land Title Office

The purpose of bylaws is to give the strata corporation a way to manage, and maintain the enjoyment of the strata lots, common property and common assets of the strata corporation. It is up to the strata council to enforce the bylaws. Bylaws can address issues pertaining to pets, noise, smoking, rentals, and much more. Bylaws apply to owners, tenants, and any guests or visitors.

Our bylaw template provides you with a collection of bylaws that most stratas need. The template includes everything from insurance to council meetings to parking. It can help you to determine if any important bylaws are missing from your documents, and run your strata more effectively. Having proper bylaws in place ensures the strata maintains its value and allows owners to enjoy their homes. Plus, happier owners lead to more engaged and productive strata communities.


Strata Proxy Form Template

The Strata Property Act allows owners to attend annual general meetings in person, or by proxy. Proxies often play an important role in establishing a quorum since owners can’t always attend meetings in person. Proxys allow owners to select someone to cast their ballot for them. A person designated as a proxy must cast the proxy vote according to the owner’s instructions, as written on their proxy form. Proxy forms are attached to every annual and special general meeting notice.

It is common to ask another owner to act as a proxy, but a relative, friend, or anyone who is not a strata property manager or employee of the strata could hold a proxy, provided no strata rules are prohibiting this.

We’ve created a strata proxy form that can be used for multiple situations. All you need to do is print or attach the form to your notice. This template can be used as a general proxy, for a specific meeting or for a specific resolution. Meetings require a lot of planning and work. Work smarter and save a bit of time by using our free proxy form.


Strata Form B Template

A Form B (Information Certificate) discloses information about a strata lot and strata corporation. When someone is considering buying a strata lot, they may ask to review the Form B. If this occurs, the strata corporation is required to provide the form within seven days of a request.

There is specific information that must be disclosed on the Form B. That includes monthly strata fees payable by the owner, any amount that the owner owes the corporation and any amendments to the bylaws that have not been filed in the Land Title Office.

We invite you to use our free From B template. It only takes a few minutes to complete, and once it’s done, it will be immediately available to anyone who asks for the certificate. You won’t ever have to worry about meeting the seven-day deadline. You can also update the template as necessary. Condo Control’s Form B allows you to complete this essential form with confidence and ease. Leave a good first impression with prospective buyers by providing them with the information they need, as soon as they need it.


Strata Roll Template

The main purpose of the strata roll is to provide information about owners who live in the scheme. Think of the strata roll as the “go-to” document for finding owner information.

The original owner is expected to prepare the strata roll for new buildings, but that responsibility is eventually handed over to the owners corporation. The strata committee or property manager must maintain the roll from the date of the registration of the strata plan. It can be kept in an excel document, written down by hand, or recorded by some other means. If you don’t use strata management software, we would recommend using our strata roll template.

This document can be saved electronically and organized into alphabetical files. Have it on hand and pull it up at a moment’s notice. Make edits to existing files when an owner’s personal information changes, or send it to an owner who has just moved in. Keep current, organized records, and create a system that makes it easier to contact owners and manage your strata.


Strata Management Agreement Template

A strata management agreement is a contract that is entered into by the strata committee (on behalf of the strata corporation) and a property management company. This agreement is legally binding. It should be in writing, and reviewed by independent legal counsel before it is signed.

A good agreement clearly states the roles and duties of the company and manager. This way, there are no surprises about what the property manager will and will not do later on. The agreement should lay out the rights and obligations of the strata property manager, specify a list of duties, powers and limitations of the manager and company, address regular and special fees, and should also include information about how and when a contract can be terminated.

To help you put forth an agreement that is comprehensive, concise, and legally binding, we’ve created a free strata management agreement template. The template includes all of the key sections an agreement should have, including terms of appointment, fees and services, and obligations of the owners corporation. Make the sensitive process of acquiring a new client less stressful by using our free management agreement template.


Strata Levy Notice Template

Strata levies are payments owners must make to cover the operating costs of the corporation. Levies are set at each annual general meeting, when the budget is approved. Strata levies are typically paid quarterly, but can increase or decrease, depending on the property’s needs. Strata levies are paid to the owners corporation under three categories:

  • Administrative fund levies
  • Capital works fund levies
  • Special levies

Sending out levy notices to each owner is a necessary, but time-consuming process. The larger the corporation, the more notices you will need to prepare. Streamline this task using our strata levy notice template. Download the document, plug in the numbers, and send the notice to the recipient. With a digital template, you can even email notices to owners if your strata allows you to do so. Include customized instructions about payment options, deadlines, and help simplify this process for your owners. This template is simple, concise and one that you will use over and over again.


Strata Motion Template

A motion is a proposal put forward by a member. It must be seconded by another member to move forward. There may be some members for the motion, and some who are against it, but if the motion is passed, it becomes a resolution, and is binding on the corporation and its members.

Only motions on the agenda for a meeting can be voted on. If an owner wants something heard at the meeting, they can write to the secretary with the motion. Note that a chairperson can decide that a motion is out of order if proper notice of the motion wasn’t provided, if it is unlawful, in conflict with the bylaws, or not enforceable if passed.

Eliminate confusion surrounding motions and how to submit them by downloading and distributing our strata motion template. Share this document with owners so that you don’t have to explain how to properly submit motions over and over again. Devote more time to the issues that matter to your community, and less time to repetitive tasks like providing instructions and handing out forms.

Thank you for taking the time to look through our strata corporation templates. We hope that these documents help to save you time, and reduce your workload. If you have any other questions about simplifying strata management, please contact us.

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